Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Our Next Big Thing...

Our next big thing...

Penny Grubb (http://www.pennygrubb.blogspot.co.uk/invited me to take part in the Next Big Thing Blog Tour. My nominees, who are listed at the end with links to their blogs, will go live a week from now.

We are husband and wife team Dan and Gabi and we love to cook. We also love to help aspiring writers, which is why we set up Fantastic Books Publishing.

Our cook books have recently undergone a major transformation with shiny new covers, new recipes, updated weights and measures and even more fantastic tips.

However, our next big thing is a collection of sauce and gravy recipes brought together from our family archives, spanning at least 4 generations!

What is the working title of your book?

Where did the idea come from for the book?
We had all these recipes in scrap books and scribbled on the backs of envelopes and we needed a way to ensure they would endure. This seemed like the best way to immortalise our family recipes once and for all.

What genre does your book fall under?
Cookery, gravies, sauces and hopefully 'Best Sellers'.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
To create from scratch? Around 3 months but if you include the generation of the recipes themselves then probably closer to 150 years!

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Well, apart from the obvious pun in the title, we think the recipes in here are truly great and so I would have to use an evocative name like Mrs Isabella Beeton.

Who or What inspired you to write this book?
I suppose the thing that finally pushed us to write this was a recipe my grandmother used to make for melting moments. I found the scrap of paper it was on and most of the ingredients list had rotted away. I was mortified but then I thought, why didn't you do something about it sooner? And so, the Fantastic Cook Book series was born.

What else about your book might pique the reader's interest?
Although the book is for sale for under $2, within it readers will find 50 completely different, stand alone recipes, each with a fantastic tip or two to make their experience even more enjoyable. We're also donating 10% of the sales to charity! Check out my radio interview where I explain it all!
Dan's Radio Debut (jump forward to 1 hour 38 minutes to hear my interview)

Which writers will take over from you next week and tell us about their next big thing:-

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