Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Free gravy recipe and a chance to check out our brand new facebook fan page!

Hello everybody!

We do hope you didn't miss us too much. We've been very busy you see.

We now have 3 e-books published on the Kindle;

Bread 2

So get out there and buy our books!

Also, we now have a Facebook fan page so please go and check it out!

Today we have decided to give you all a lovely, easy recipe for a beautiful beef/veggie gravy.

This is a very simple but delightfully flavoursome sauce that compliments beef and chicken beautifully (apologies to any vegetarians reading, it compliments soya based stuff beautifully too as the flavour penetrates things like Quorn mince and rissole fantastically).

Fantastic Beef/Veggie Gravy

2 tablespoons of flour (we find strong white bread flour best)
3 tablespoons of either beef fat or good quality rapeseed oil (the veggie option)
Boiled water from the kettle
1 tablespoon of Marmite (No, it's not cheating, and it doesn't matter if you don't like it in sandwiches, you will love it in this, guaranteed!)

Ok. Get a frying pan painfully hot and heat either your oil or fat until it is almost starting to smoke.
Take the pan off the heat and vigorously mix in the flour, stirring it up into a creamy sludge.
Take a small amount of the kettle water and drip mix it into the sludge until it begins to smooth out (it will, it just appears like it won't for a while, be patient).
Now add the Marmite and continue to stir.
When the mixture looks far too thick and gloopy to ever become a beautiful gravy, add a little more water from the kettle and keep stirring.
When you have a very thick, smooth gravy, place back onto a LOW heat and stir in more water.
When you have the consistency you require, simmer whilst stirring for at least 12 minutes (to cook the flour), adding a little water where necessary to maintain the chosen consistency.
And you're done!

The choice of when to stop adding the water is, like so many things in home cooking, yours to make.
We prefer our gravy to be thick enough to cut slices off, others like theirs thin enough to drink as a winter warmer. The choice is yours.

At our thickness, this recipe makes about half a pint but of course, if you like it thinner, it could make a pint. Experiment. That's what cooking is all about.

This is the basic recipe. The flavour can always be enhanced by adding a little salt, pepper and even mustard.

We love the fact that with most of our recipes, we leave a little room for maneuver as far as final flavourings and personal twists are concerned.

We feel you should be able to make any dish we give you your own so enjoy and happy cooking everybody!

The Fantastic Team


  1. Liked you on Facebook! Really enjoyed the Fantastic Cookies book, especially the almond cookies. Scrumtious! I hear that you have an all-in-one bread recipe in one of the Fantastic Bread books. Oooh, I need that recipe.

    1. We certainly do Linda. Thanks for following.

      Look out for a free bread, recipe may be on next weeks blog.

      Watch this space!
